How Long Does It Take To Install A Fibreglass Pool?
Fibreglass pools are great alternatives to vinyl liner and concrete pools because of their greater durability and lower maintenance costs. So it’s no surprise that the demand for them has skyrocketed in recent years. Fibreglass pools are also quicker in terms of installation when compared with concrete and vinyl liner pools.

However, there are widely-circulated claims made by various pool installers that it only takes around seven days on average to install fibreglass pools. These claims aren’t always true, as several factors need to be considered to figure out how long it will take for a fibreglass pool to be installed. Read on to know what they are.
Fibreglass Pool Installation: The Factors To Consider
1. Monsoon installations can take time: Installing any swimming pool is difficult during the rainy season, especially if it rains incessantly for several days in a row. The installation site needs to be completely dry during the installation process, which involves several steps. However, during monsoon, draining excess water away from the installation site may be a challenge, leading to a longer installation period.
If you want your brand new fibreglass pool to be installed as efficiently as possible, it’s best to wait out the monsoon. Most pool installations in Australia happen across the summer months due to the hot and dry weather, which means greater demand for professional pool installers. That’s why it’s ideal to schedule your installation during the winters.
2. Your property’s existing condition: A property that offers good access to the instruction site and is positioned on a surface that’s flat is the best type of property for rapid fibreglass pool installation. Unfortunately, not all properties in Australia have such ideal conditions.
If your property doesn’t offer convenient access to the pool installers, you may be required to create the required access space for them. This would invariably lead to a longer wait for the installation to be completed. Excavation for preparing the installation site may also become an issue if the site has a lot of rocks or is sloped. For a realistic picture of the time it will take to install the pool, it’s best to schedule a consultation with the professionals.
3. Approval from your local council: Local councils across Australia regulate pool installations and you need to seek approval from yours. The regulations have been put in place to ensure that the installed pools meet all necessary safety standards and don’t cause environmental damage.
However, how long it will take for your local council to grant you the approval for going ahead with your pool installation is anyone’s guess, especially if you want a summer installation. Due to the high demand for pool installation in the summers, approvals take longer to be granted as the local councils have to inspect many more sites than they would have to during the winters. It’s best to send in your application in advance. Once approval has been granted, all the work is up to the company you hire to perform the installation.
4. The time required by electricians and other contractors: You may have to wait longer for your fibreglass pool installation to be completed depending on your electrical and fencing requirements. Elaborate requirements can take several days for contractors to fulfill and until they are fulfilled, you’ve got to be patient.
During the summer months, it may also be difficult for you to hire reputed contractors and service providers as they may have been booked in advance by other parties. Ideally, you should approach a licensed pool builder that has its own team of electricians and fencers.

Fibreglass Pool Installation Timeline
- The first step of installing a fibreglass pool (once the required legal permits are sorted) involves establishing the pool deck’s finish grade. Once the finish grade is established, the installers prepare the excavation area by either using a pre-fabricated template or outlining the dimensions of the pool. If the installers use high-quality equipment, this step shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours.
- The second step involves excavating and typically, the excavated area’s bottom is dug a few inches deeper than the depth of the pool. This is done to ensure that a smooth area is created by using filling material such as gravel or sand for the fibreglass pool to rest. Once the excavation is completed successfully, the pool is set. A daylight drain or a sump line is installed as well, which helps in maintaining optimum hydrostatic pressure. In normal circumstances, this step may take up to 3 days to be completed.
- In the third step, the pool is “locked-in” using either gravel or sand to create and maintain the right pressure on the pool’s exterior and interior. Once optimum pressure levels are achieved, the builder proceeds to attach the fittings to a PVC pipe, which is pressure tested for potential leaks. All other pool features are also installed at this stage and it may take up to 4 days for it to be completed.
- The fourth step is all about completing additional electrical and plumbing installations and depending on the requirements, it can take up to 3 days to be completed. If your additional installations are minimal, you can expect this step to be wrapped up within a single day.
- The fifth step involves giving shape to the pool deck by pouring concrete and then letting it settle. How much time the concrete takes to settle is dependent completely on the weather. If it’s consistently dry, you won’t have to wait more than a couple of days. But if it’s rainy, it could take up to 3 – 4 days.
All in all, the five steps mentioned above will take at least 10 – 12 days to be executed to perfection. You must let the professionals take charge of the installation. Rushing the process may lead to structural problems that may not be apparent in the short-term. However, long-term structural issues can create a whole host of maintenance issues that may require you to spend a fortune later on.
The Fibreglass Pool Installation Mistakes You Should Know
Even the most experienced pool builders are ultimately human and may make mistakes. As an individual who wants a fibreglass pool installation aimed at long-term cost-effectiveness, you should be aware of certain installation mistakes that your hired builder may make.
- Cantilevered concrete coping mistakes: Ideally the coping surface should be smooth and clean. However, if the concrete pouring process is not undertaken correctly, it can result in an unattractive look, which can only be put right by pouring more concrete.
- Ignoring three basic plumbing practices: An overconfident pool installer may avoid three practices that are considered essential for guaranteeing proper plumbing; using suitable plumbing materials such as rigid PVC pipes, securing the plumbing for preventing settlement, and pressure testing.
- Poor leveling methods: The floor on which the pool will sit should be level before the pool is set. Poor levelling may lead to a situation where the pool has to be lifted again and again to get the levelling right, which can take hours.
To conclude, it has to be said that property owners should be patient for the best fibreglass pool installation. An installation that takes longer but is done thoroughly without errors is much better than a rapid installation.